Enrollment, Tuition & Fees



Musicart Studio has open enrollment throughout the year, and you may register at any time. 

2016 FEES

ART Classes -  $25.00 Registration Fee **

** Additional $ 60.00 Annual Art Materials Fee will be billed every September,

NEW STUDENTS : Please make sure you fill out this registration form and pay the appropriate fees before your first day of class.



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Additional Info

In order to provide consistent quality music and art instruction Musicart Studio Inc.,
The School of Music and Fine Arts has adopted the following policies: 
General Instruction and Billing Information
• Instruction is continuous throughout the year. 
• Lessons can begin at any point depending on availability. 
• Tuition is billed monthly. If instruction commences mid month, tuition rate will be prorated. 
• Tuition is due the first of every month. 
• Musicart Studio Inc., The School of Music and Fine Arts reserves the right to cancel your lessons if
payment is not received on time. 
• Musicart Studio Inc., The School of Music and Fine Arts will close the last two weeks of August, a
week in March/April for Spring Break and the last two weeks of December as well as all other major
Missed Classes
• The student or parent will inform the School of Music and Fine Arts if the student needs to miss a class . 
• With advance 24-hour notice make-up classes are available to those who miss two or more classes. 
Please consult your instructor for the appropriate make-up lesson time. 
Additional Fees
• $25.00 late fee will be charged to all tuition received after the 10
th day of each month. 
• $25.00 will be charged for all returned checks or if your credit card is declined. 
Cancellation or Temporary Closure
• To withdraw from Musicart Studio Inc., The School of Music and Fine Arts a thirty (30) day
written notice is required. Billing will cease thirty calendar days from the receipt of the written
notice provided. 
• To temporarily suspend your account for extended vacation, personal reasons, etc. you must
provide a thirty (30) day written notice. Billing will cease thirty (30) calendar days from the
receipt of the written notice provided. Upon yourr eturn to Music Art Studio Inc., The School of
Music and Fine Arts your account will be re-instated and every effort will be made to place
student in the original class if space is still available. In addition, you will not be required to pay
the registration fee.